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Commemorating 200 years since Rebbe Nachman’s passing: “DEM REBIN’S TISH”

Commemorating 200 years since Rebbe Nachman’s passing:  “DEM REBIN’S TISH”

A lost nigun composed by Rebbe Nachman of Breslev, which was recently
miraculously discovered in an archive in the Ukraine, led to the creation of an exciting
new album of ancient Breslev niguns, sung in the days of Rebbe Nachman. Amid the
collection of lost niguns found about a year and a half ago in a remote archive in the
Ukraine, a special nigun was found, recorded in 1913. A recording and notes for this
nigun were discovered in this important finding, and next to them, written in Yiddish,
were the words, “The nigun that leads the Tzaddikim to heaven, as taught by Rebbe
Opening the events commemorating two-hundred years since the passing of Rebbe
Nachman of Breslev, Hindik Productions just released a new album of songs and
niguns composed by Rebbe Nachman, produced by the famous arranger, R’ Dudi
Kalish. The album will feature the lost nigun along with other ancient original songs
and niguns, attributed to Rebbe Nachman, selected from the many niguns found
by the explorer Nachum Kralinsky in an archive in Kiev. A lot was invested in this
production, expertly directed by the famous arranger of the Belz Hassidism, R’ Dudi
Kalish, with hundreds of violinists and musicians, bringing life into the ancient-new
The album’s highlight is “The Nigun that Accompanies the Tzaddikim to Heaven”,
an ancient nigun which according to Rebbe Nachman, accompanies the Tzaddikim
on their way to heaven. Not until recently was this nigun found. The excited Karlinsky
showed the notes of the niguns to the elders of the Breslev Hassidism, some of the
niguns he sang to them himself. They were not familiar with all of them; some were
totally new. There were niguns which were lost with time and with the crumbling of the
Jewish communities after the wars and revolutions in Europe, lost and forgotten. The
new album brings them back to life from the depths of oblivion.

A lost nigun composed by Rebbe Nachman of Breslev, which was recently miraculously discovered in an archive in the Ukraine, led to the creation of an exciting new album of ancient Breslev niguns, sung in the days of Rebbe Nachman. Amid the collection of lost niguns found about a year and a half ago in a remote archive in the Ukraine, a special nigun was found, recorded in 1913. A recording and notes for this nigun were discovered in this important finding, and next to them, written in Yiddish, were the words, “The nigun that leads the Tzaddikim to heaven, as taught by Rebbe Nachman”.

Opening the events commemorating two-hundred years since the passing of Rebbe Nachman of Breslev, Hindik Productions just released a new album of songs and niguns composed by Rebbe Nachman, produced by the famous arranger, R’ Dudi Kalish. The album will feature the lost nigun along with other ancient original songs and niguns, attributed to Rebbe Nachman, selected from the many niguns found by the explorer Nachum Kralinsky in an archive in Kiev. A lot was invested in this production, expertly directed by the famous arranger of the Belz Hassidism, R’ Dudi Kalish, with hundreds of violinists and musicians, bringing life into the ancient-new niguns.

The album’s highlight is “The Nigun that Accompanies the Tzaddikim to Heaven”, an ancient nigun which according to Rebbe Nachman, accompanies the Tzaddikim on their way to heaven. Not until recently was this nigun found. The excited Karlinsky showed the notes of the niguns to the elders of the Breslev Hassidism, some of the niguns he sang to them himself. They were not familiar with all of them; some were totally new. There were niguns which were lost with time and with the crumbling of the

Jewish communities after the wars and revolutions in Europe, lost and forgotten. The new album brings them back to life from the depths of oblivion.

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  1. Reuven
    Reuven 26 August, 2010, 00:43

    Is this CD available? Can it be downloaded?

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