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Camp Yachad (Edmonton Alberta CA) Alma Mater Music By EvanAl Orchestra

Sung By: Dov Fruendlich And Yitzchok Roth ; TTTO: Y’hei Zeh (Boruch Levine) Lyrics By: Asher Jacobs (Camper) ; Arrangements By: EvanAl ; Mutti Weiss – Keys, Bass, Strings ; Shabsi Broyde – Drums, Percussion, Vocals ; Eli Lax – Guitars, Vocals ; Recorded @ The Jam Room [Arnie Brown]

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1 comment

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  1. Anonoymous
    Anonoymous 30 January, 2010, 19:39

    Attn.asher Jacobs It says here that ur a CAMPER!

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