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Brand New Song – Yehi Hachodesh Hazeh by Yehonatan Carmeli

Brand New Song – Yehi Hachodesh Hazeh by Yehonatan Carmeli

Yehonatan Carmeli, the drummer of the Ad Bli Dai band, is now releasing a brand new song with Yossef Buchnik, from The Voice Israel.
The song “Yehi Hachodesh” was composed by Yehonatan himself for his wedding last summer.
Yehonatan Carmeli is a Yeshiva student in Jerusalem and is a composer and a song writer.

Click PLAY below to hear the song

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Ad Bli DaiYehi Hachodesh HazehYossef Buchnik

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1 comment

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  1. Avi
    Avi 16 October, 2012, 11:35

    Thats awsome!!!

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