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Brand New DVD for Kids! “The Golem to the Rescue” (Living with Tzaddikim Episode #3)

Brand New DVD for Kids! “The Golem to the Rescue” (Living with Tzaddikim Episode #3)

Brand New DVD for Kids! “The Golem to the Rescue” (Living with Tzaddikim Episode #3)

The Golem to the Rescue Trailer from Torah Luminations .

The Golem Is Back in Action! In the last Episode #2 (“The Maharal & the Golem from Prague”), we saw the Maharal create the Golem. Now in this *NEW* Episode #3, “The Golem to the Rescue”, Taddeus is up to no good! Experience the fun, suspense and miracles of the Maharal who sends Yossele the Golem to rescue the Berger family from Taddeus’ plans.

-45 minutes running time.
-Keep the kids entertained while getting ready for Pesach!
-Perfect for Chol HaMoed!
-Watch it online *or* get a DVD!


4 Easy Ways to Order :
1. View online (available in most countries) at
2. Call 1-844-MY-GOLEM (1-844-694-6536).
3. Buy physical DVD (USA & Canada ONLY) at (accepts credit card orders & does NOT require a PalPay account).
4. Contact us at


Who is “Torah Luminations”?

“Torah Luminations” is a 3D animation studio and publishing house dedicated to promoting the beauty of Torah values through Jewish educational media. Chana-Aidel and Avrahom-Moishe Erlenwein are the co-founders who reside in Toronto, Canada.


What’s Inside these videos?

Education + Entertainment = “Edutainment”

Living with Tzaddikim” are 3D animation videos for all ages. These videos are a fun, “edutainment” way to experience classic Jewish stories. These 3D animated stories will entertain you while lifting you up with positive values of bitachon, emunah and simcha in living as a Jew.


Stories Packed with “Tochen”
Most of all, these stories create joy, excitement and timeless lessons from Chazal through high-quality videos with rich “tochen” (content). Not only do we learn from the personal examples of these Tzaddikim, but we also learn about the emunah in Hashem and sincerity of the Jews who are connected to them.


Is it “Kosher”?
-This video is Rabbinically approved by HaRav Dovid Schochet (Toronto, Canada).
-Vaad review by educators Rabbi MM & Mrs. ND Korf (Toronto, Canada).
-Music featuring Fitche Benshimon (
-*All* voices were recorded by male voice actors.


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