Baryo releases new single In collaboration with Graucher Jr
Singer and composer Baryo Hakshur is back with a special new song called “Nafla Ateret Roshenu,” written and composed for the neshama of Rabbi Shimon Gabai Zt”l Rosh Yeshiva of “Nachalat Samual” in Netanya (a talmid of Hagoen Rabbi Ben Tzion Abba Shaul zt”l)- upon his shloshim.
Baryo, a graduate of Yeshiva “Torah Voddas” in New York, studied in his youth by the rabbi’s yeshiva in Netanya, and like all students, admired him greatly and looked up to him.
The rabbi’s sudden death inspired Baryo to write and compose a song in his memory, in which Hakshur expresses his feelings and personal pain of the sudden departure of his mentor.
Aviel Graucher (son of the singer Dedi) played the piano on this song and also joined in the vocals.
Photo by: Baruch Ezagui
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