Baryo Continues To Surprise With A NEw Single “Ata Shomer”

A few weeks ago singer/composer Baryo Chakshur released a new Single from his upcoming Album. The hit song “Shehechiyanu” quickly took off to become popular in Weddings of the Yeshivish World and shortly after, he’s already releasing the next song in line “Ata Shomer Oleinu“.
This latest song perfectly suits the winter atmosphere. It has a quiet, slow and interesting touch written and composed by Baryo himself. Yet another addition to the collection of the variety of styles Baryo is capable of.
Baryo is planning a Grand Performance this upcoming Spring Break that will take place at his home town. Baryo, along with other Guest Artists will perform some of his best old & new songs.
After this show Baryo will arrive to tour the USA for several performances as well as the Central Purim Show at Yeshiva University in New York City.
Attached is the new song right after mixing & mastering freshly released off the Recording Studio.
Photos by: Daniel Ishay
Click PLAY below to hear the song
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