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Avraham Fried – Ki Hirbeisa

Avraham Fried – Ki Hirbeisa

The song Ki Hirbeisa composed by Rabbi Avraham Mlovicki, a Slonim chossid, was released a few months on the by the Simchas Beis HaShoeivah in Viznitz and immediately became a huge hit.

Since became a hit, it was a matter of time before the song was played in almost every wedding, and simchas across the globe. Avraham Fried presents the exciting hit with a new arrangement by Yuval Shtupul. For the first time officially recorded the song in the studio, after receiving the approval of the composer to record the song.

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Tags assigned to this article:
Avraham FriedKi HirbeisaYuval Shtupul

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Write a comment
  1. Dovy Brazil
    Dovy Brazil 13 February, 2011, 22:15

    What a Geshmokeh Niggun!! This is what i call a yiddisheh niggun!

  2. benny
    benny 12 June, 2011, 11:18

    where can i purchase this song??

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