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Avi Abrams “Fly Away” Single feat. Zevi Kaufman

Avi Abrams “Fly Away” Single feat. Zevi Kaufman

This new single was just released by new artist on the JM scene,Avi Abrams.
Avi sings straight from his heart to all of ours in this tribute to overcoming our life challenges.The song manages to encapsulate the idea of believing that no matter what comes our way,G-d is and always will be there for us.We can take that leap and fly,because we are sure we can glide upon his wings of mercy over all of life’s difficulties.Avi manages to speak to people of all backgrounds in this emotionally driven track,imparting a shining ray of hope in a world where unfortunately,so much is shrouded by darkness.

The song was produced,co-written and features, Zevi Kaufman(Music-Launguage Of My Soul,Single-Final Say)
The buy the song on iTunes click HERE. You can listen to the song by clicking PLAY below.

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Produced by Zevi Kaufman
Arranged by Aryeh Kunstler
Written and Composed by Avi Abrams and Zevi Kaufman
Mixed and & Mastered by Jake Antelis

If you haven’t already,you can download Zevi’s Album and Free Single “Final Say”.

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Write a comment
  1. chez
    chez 11 August, 2011, 21:56

    Why are the vocals mixed so low? They seem a little too choirlike…The harmonies need to stand out from the lead vocals. Otherwise, a very pleasant, listenable song!

  2. Rebeca G
    Rebeca G 28 October, 2012, 18:37

    trying to hard to sound like a
    non jewish song, needs help with vocals and lyrics,
    otherwise okay!
    3 stars!!

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