Ami Magazine Sukkos Gift CD: “Together” with Shloime Gertner and other Jewish Stars

As a special bonus in the Ami Mega Sukkos Issue, readers will find the exclusive new “Together” CD, a joint project by RCCS and the Sympinny orchestra with Jewish music superstars Shloime Gertner, Berry Weber, Yoely Greenfeld, Shloime Daskal, Michoel Schnitzler and the Mezamrim and Yedidim chiors.
The musical project was done in conjunction with Gershey Moskowitz Productions and Regal Wings.
Click PLAY below to hear the “The Sympimmy Medley” featuring Michoel Schnitzler, Beri Weber, Yoely Greenfeld, Shloime Daskal and the Sympinny orchestra
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