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ADON OLAM : Isaac & Rubenstein

ADON OLAM : Isaac & Rubenstein

Isaac & Rubenstein’s version of Adon Olam is a punchy acoustic guitar-based performance with a memorable vocal line, groovy cajon back beat, and a driving hum-along bass line. It’s a unique and big sound for a small three-piece line-up and is the 1st of 3 live recordings to be released by the band in the forthcoming months.

Adon Olam (“Lord of the World”) is possibly one of the most famous and oldest Jewish hymns, extolling the eternity and unity of Hashem and expressing man’s absolute trust in His providence. The lyrical author is unknown, though it has been attributed to Solomon ibn *Gabirol (11th century). It may, however, be much older and stem from Babylonia.

Bucking up against the trend of the ‘electronic-Jewish-pop-culture’, Adon Olam brings Jewish music back to its roots: Live instruments with an authentic, yet fresh Jewish sound.

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Dan Isaac and Binyomin Rubenstein have been creating and performing contemporary Jewish music around the world for over 13 years, mainly under the stage name of Shtar. Their inspiring Jewish music project comes from an array of nigunim (songs), developed, recorded, and produced by the duo in Israel. With the addition of their bass player, Yitzchak Mordechai, Isaac & Rubenstein create acoustic, live, real, and beautiful music with memorable melodies and rich harmonies that will touch the soul. Their unique blend of sound is an expression of their passion for music and d’vekus to Hashem

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