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Yo Aisenstark Releases New Song “Kolech”

Yo Aisenstark Releases New Song “Kolech”

I’m so proud to present to you my new song Kolech. This song talks to my heart in a way my other compositions don’t. My dear friend Samy Soussan called me right after getting up from Shiva from his dear Mother and asked if we can work together to make up a song in her memory. He picked these words of Kolech from Shir Hashirim because it reminded him of his mother who loved Shir Hashirim and especially these words talked to him. We sat down and I came up with this tune with his input as well. Sammy worked on the music back in Texas and sent it to me. The song has a sad but hopeful feel to it like even though things seem bad sometimes, there is still hope for all of us to turn things around and make something of ourselves, just hear your voice and all will be good.
Here is to Mrs. Soussan my her memory be blessed.

Enjoy!! and I hope you like it as much as we did making it

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KolechSamy SoussanYo Aisenstark

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