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Lipa! Announces “LookaLipaLike”

Lipa! Announces “LookaLipaLike”

The following is a message from Lipa Schmeltzer

Friday July, 22 2016

Life is more beautiful when we give more than we take, I think. In Jewish mystical terms, the number Eighteen represents life, at least as far as numbers are concerned. I’m approaching soon 18 years of my ever evolving career.

15 years Lipa a celebration in Town Hall, Lipa on Broadway, took place almost three years ago. The video has by now reached the stores and those who appreciate fine art.

I felt the need of an idea that is more giving than taking in honor of my eighteenth-year extravaganza. I wanted an idea that would present an opportunity to show my appreciation to all those who have ever since shown gratitude towards my work. Those who have been following me regardless of the many hats that I wear.

My solution is my new project; LookaLipaLike with an Americare Yiddle. The idea is to hand people a chance to express their artistic talent in a way that rarely if ever comes. Although it’s impossible to hand the whole world, a promised opportunity I still would like to do my share by giving everyone a fair chance.

For the next two weeks until Rosh Chodesh Av, those who wish to participate and feel they are gifted with talent but stifled inside, will have the opportunity to submit their creativity in songs, lyrics, graphics, music, vocal capabilities and more. I, with the help of staff, will carefully choose the art that is most appealing for this project. I will then combine each track which would include a song, a vocalist, musician and or a recording studio. And perhaps, even a designer to present the artist in the booklet. Thus, each track would include many artists and a duet with my own addition touch-ups and reflections.

After having a clear picture of thirty winning numbers, I will hand these options to a committee I have chosen. When you read the names of the committee, you might see a great diverse group of talented people. The committee includes Yossi Green, JJ Fried, Yeedle Werdiger, Michoel Schnitzler and Danny Finkelman. We will work by email only so no one would get influenced by another. On the fifteenth of Av, even if Moshiach would show up, I hope to take the time to see which pieces get the most votes.

Needless to say that anyone who would send in material would be ready to take the rejection and know that this does in no way undermine their talent. After all, there is only so many who can get accepted and there are different tastes as diverse humans.

This project should include anyone who is a fan regardless of their age level background or gender. Even though the Jewish established law won’t allow me to have female voices in the recording, I am open to accepting submissions of lyrics, compositions, and art or music. Besides vocals on the actual record, it’s equal opportunity.

I believe that LookaLipaLike with an Americare Yiddle would be another milestone in my trailblazing career of bringing art and creativity to the Jewish Communities at the highest levels possible.

To submit go to [email protected]. (The website will be ready by Monday morning 07/25/16.)

We will accept submissions at this email only, no phone or social media messages would be considered. Get to work. LookaLipaLike is not an American Idol but my very new album. Instead of having the involvement of the already established artist it is your turn to shine.

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