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Itzik Dadya – Im Eshkocheich Yerushalayim

Itzik Dadya – Im Eshkocheich Yerushalayim

In honor of the fast approaching holiday of Pesach, Mizrachi superstar singer Itzik Dadya released a new single entitled “Im Eshkocheich Yerushalayim” off his upcoming third album which he plans to release this summer.

On his new song, Dadya sings about his intense yearning for Jerusalem to b rebuilt built. The constant need to remember every day the destruction of the Beis Hamikdash and the desire to see the rebuilding.

“Though I perform at Chuppa’s and wedding’s quite often,” says Dadya, “I’m still excited every time a when the chosson and kallah are under the chuppa and its time to sing “Im Eshkocheich Yerushalayim Tishkach Yemini. I asked composers to create for me a beautiful and moving melody to fit this moment when a couple stands together under the chuppah, its their happiest moment in their lives, yet they mention the destruction of Jerusalem and yearn for its rebuilding.”

And so, after releasing a few fast and rhythmic singles, the time has come for Itzik to return to his old and more familiar style which characterized it in the past. Nice nice ballad that touches the psyche exciting and thrilling each ear that hears.

The words are from Tehillim and the composition belongs to the multi-talented composer Yoeli Dickman who also arranged the song and masterfully delivers the perfect arrangement which fits perfectly with Dadya’s voice which is so pure and clear.

Click PLAY below to hear the song

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  1. out of towner
    out of towner 7 April, 2014, 10:58


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