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“Ki Tov”, a new exciting single for Sandy Shmueli

Sandy Shmueli, a well-known American Israeli singer, is now adding the finishing touches to
another album of Jewish music, his eighth. The album was recorded in Israel in an Israeli
production, all blue & white. Shmueli maybe lives in New York, but he lives and breathes
the homeland all the time. “My friends and family live here, I’m into everything that happens
in Israel politically, socially and musically, I listen to news from Israel in Hebrew and follow
up closely on everything that goes on. In fact,” explains Shmueli, “I may live abroad but I
talk and sing in Hebrew…”

At the beginning of his career, Sandy sang and entertained at the military Northern
Command band, you can hear him starring in “At Night on the Grass” and in “Come With
Me to the Galilee”. When he finished his army service, he set out on a round of
performances in America with Mickey Peled’s ‘Chasidic Music Festival’. When he landed in
New-York, he wrote, composed, sang and stayed. Over the years he fixed his position as
singer and composer in New York, performed at countless Jewish performances and
events, sang at national ceremonies before the mayor Juliani and before former president
Carter and more.
Almost every evening, Shmueli and his band perform at Simchas, all over the western
coast. For a living, he works as a musical manager at Jewish institutions and colleges in
New York. He produces plays and events and also directs and teaches choirs in those
institutions, “I receive the greatest satisfaction when the children’s choirs sing the songs that
I write, it also connects me with what’s going on today…”. Shmueli (53) is no longer a child,
he easily connects with the latest music styles, performs every evening at Simchas and
events and is considered a productive composer in today’s Jewish Music field.

The new album features 11 varied tracks of original songs and songs from the scriptures, all written by Sandy Shmueli,
the arrangements and production were done by Shmueli and Asher Lugasi, an Israeli musician who owns a recording
studio in the north.

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Sandy Shmueli

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