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Musical Tribute Released in Memory of Levi Yitzchak Wolowik

Musical Tribute Released in Memory of Levi Yitzchak Wolowik

Almost four years since the tragic passing of nine year old Levi Yitzchak Wolowik, son of the Chabad shluchim to the Five Towns, his parents, Rabbi Zalman and Chanie Wolowik of Woodmere, are marking what would be their son’s Bar Mitzvah with a special siyum in his memory.

In just nine short years, Levi Yitzchak left a strong impression on everyone he met, and is remembered as a respectful, vibrant, enthusiastic, family oriented youth who looked ahead to making his mark on this world. Despite his
untimely death, Levi’s legacy continues on.

The Levi Yitzchak Library in Cedarhurst serves as a community resource for both adults and children of all ages. With thousands of books, engaging multimedia activities and other creative outlets, children are inspired to dream, grow and realize their full potential.

In another moving dedication in honor of Levi’s Bar Mitzvah, Cedarhurst resident Sholom Jacobs will be releasing a musical tribute titled Levi’s Legacy. A heartfelt song with vocals by Sholom Jacobs, Shmuel Jacobs and the Zemiros Choir, Levi’s Legacy is a vivid reminder that despite their tender age, it is our precious children whose innocence and purity have the power to bring Moshiach and an end to all suffering in this world. Levi’s Legacy was composed by Yossi Green, arranged by Ian Freitor and features lyrics by Sandy Eller.

“We are doing this song to ensure the everlasting memory of an incredible boy that was taken from this world all too soon,” explained Jacobs. “What better memorial can we provide for Levi Yitzchak than a song that reminds us all about Moshiach, redemption and a time when we will all be reunited with our loved ones?” The Levi’s Legacy music video, featuring footage of both the Cheder at the Ohel and the Levi Yitzchak Library is expected to be released next week. Jacobs hopes that with its moving message and stirring music, Levi’s Legacy will inspire both children and adults to continue doing mitzvos and learning Torah in Levi’s memory, ultimately hastening the coming of Moshiach. The Levi’s Legacy project was produced by Aryeh Kunstler and Avraham Zamist.

For Levi’s parents, the song provides some measure of consolation for a void in their lives that can never be filled.

“We are taught that song reaches the greatest depths of the neshomo,” said Rabbi Zalman Wolowik. ” When Sholom Jacobs generously offered to have a song
composed in Levi’s memory after he passed away, we were extremely moved, knowing that this niggun would allow us to connect with Levi’s neshomo, especially since the words of the song express the life that Levi lived.”

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