by yossi | May 1, 2022 9:17 am
Exactly a year ago, Israeli singer Meir Ben Dror released his first vocal album which was a dizzying success and wide-ranging praise, today he is launching a fine vocal album, his second, “Levavot“.
Ben Dror, accumulated a long mileage in singing and vocal, harmonic and vocal performances. Its cover versions convey a touching simplicity of processing, and on the other hand a rhythm and cheerfulness that preserves and elevates the work within its vocal limitations.
The theme song is “Levavot“, a song that came out a year ago as a “regular” single. “I really liked this song,” says Meir, “I chose to take it and perform it as a cover. This song has a meaning for bringing hearts together, which is why I also chose it as the name of the album.” Other songs on the album are:
● “L’chaim” – a prayer song that unites the family and the community with joy.
● “Tair Et Darki” – originally released by Moshe Klein, “I also connected with him, a man goes a mole in the world and asks to light my way … Keep me safe at night during the day …” What connects us to the next song –
● “Rak Eilecha” – by Avihu Medina (“Ki Yadata”), a prayer song in which I host Yonatan Stern, who also signed the production and arrangement of this song, these two songs are a combination of covers between the old and the new.
● “Yesh Becha Hakol” – Akiva‘s is the core of the album, Meir reveals. “I felt I was missing something, and when I added ‘Yesh Becha Hakol‘ I felt it was perfect. All the other songs talk about faith and prayer in Hasehm, and I felt I lacked the personal faith in ourselves, ‘Do not be afraid to fall … because you have everything’, I believe that “A person needs to empower himself and believe in his abilities even if he falls.”
● “Techiat Hametim” – by Avraham Fried – “This song is close to my heart: this year I lost my grandmother and I have a vision every time I sing the ‘Techiat Hametim‘ that I see it again. Its name was redemption, and my expectation was that we would all be redeemed.”
● The album also has two medleys: A Shabbat Medley where Meir hosts Dov Handler, the two are a duo performing Shabbat songs together and this time they are a string of vocal Shabbat melodies. The second string is inter-generational: “Ashrenu Medley” which begins with a melody by Benny Friedman and Joey Newcomb, continues with the Chabad melody, and goes back with the melody of Avrumi Flam from the year 1995. “The sequel expresses well what I am trying to do here:” And how beautiful is our heritage “As it is passed down from generation to generation, the melody is also passed down from generation to generation and is musically renewed from generation to generation, I feel I make a musical connection between different generations …”
“Levavot” pays homage to the original works, with the help of the captivating grace of Meir Ben-Dror and the utmost care for accurate, unassuming and unsophisticated vocal performances. The musical processing and production work was entrusted to Yonatan Stern, a musical arranger with exceptional expertise in sound arrangements.
Enjoy Meir Ben Dror The Ashreinu Medley
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