Vaani Zos Brisi – Composed & Performed By Benzion Klatzko & Family

by yossi | April 5, 2020 10:04 am

Rabbi Klatzko explains. We have a covenant with our Creator. Its called the Torah. We are instructed to study it, day and night, live its words and follow it’s precepts. In turn, says the Almighty, I have a covenant with the Jewish people. I will not reject them, nor cast them aside!

Composed by Rabi Benzion Klatzko
Performed by Benzion Klatzko, Azarya Klatzko, Luzy Klatzko & Tani Polansky
Arranged by Yisroel Ament
Produced by Benzion Klatzko and Yisroel Ament
Backing Vocal by Hillel Kapnick
Percussions by Yishai Souza
Video produced by Benzion Klatzko
A Production

מילים:ואני זאת בריתי אמר השםTranslation:And for me, this is my covenant says the Almighty.

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