by yossi | September 11, 2019 6:59 am
The A Team presents a Symphony Chuppah featuring Benny Friedman.
The idea to use two very unique songs not often sung to the tune of Mi Adir and Mi Bon Siach came from dear friend and partner on the west coast: Naftali Finkel of the Shira Orchestra LA, in honor of his sons wedding.
Watch and Enjoy as we performed Mi Adir to the tune of Hamalach by London School of Jewish song and Mi Bon Siach to the tune Yedid Nefesh off MBDs album Hold On.
Produced by: Yitzy Schwartz/A Team Orchestra
Arranged by: Avremi G
Conducted by: Yitzy Schwartz
Mixed by: V-Gold beat productions
Live Mix: Eli Lishinsky
Israel Concierge: R’ Steve Jobs A”H
Post Production: Platinum Productions
Stage Manager: Motty Jay
Video by: Ben Hesh Studios
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