Sruly Lipschitz – Alabanza

by yossi | April 11, 2020 8:24 pm

Presenting, a new and exciting single from composer, arranger and singer Sruly Lipschitz. The new single titled “Alabanza” was composed, played and performed by Sruly himself. A close friend/Rabbi of Sruly‘s Nachman Lior (from the song Eliyahu Hanavie) layed down some guitar tracks when Lipschitz was done with rest of the music. Then, he sent it off to Yanki Cohen in Jerusalem to mix it. A close friend of Sruly‘s from back in yeshiva drew up the cover perfectly in tune with song.

Alabanza is a song of praise, grandeur, greatness, honor and respect, to the One and Only Hashem.
שבח יקר וגדולה וכבוד יתנו לקל מלך יוצר כל
With the same lyrics translated to Spanish

Song and music by Sruli

Guitars by Nachman Lior
Mix by Yanki Cohen
Cover by Yisrael Soriano –
Spanish translation by Tami R.
Thank you Hashem

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