by yossi | July 1, 2012 9:01 am
This new song “ONE” was composed by Sarah Dukes in honor and memory of Leiby Kletzky z’tl (therefore being released on his yahrtzeit) and performed by the talented Yaron Gershovsky. Below is a message from Sarah about the song.
This song is about one boy, a boy whom we all loved but never met. It is about the effect that this one, young, innocent child had on the entire world: he united a nation. He proved that we can work together as one, and showed us that we are one. He taught us that we can have pure, ahavas chinam– even towards someone we have never met. He taught us the power of one: of one individual, of one people, of one heart. His name was Leiby.
Let’s continue to live Leiby’s lesson. Let’s be there to help one man, one woman, one child, one neshama. Let’s have ahavas chinam towards a complete stranger.
We can do it.
Leiby showed us that we can.
This song is a FREE download on However if you would like to donate to the Leiby Kletzky Memorial Fund, please click HERE.
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