by yossi | February 15, 2010 3:14 pm
Shimmy Engel is finally releasing his debut album entitled “Shimu U’tchi – Listen & Live”. The album features some of the greatest hits of all time in a classic setting. These hit songs though are NOT what you would hear on any wedding album today. That’s right Shimmy didn’t want his album to be the typical “wedding mix”. Shimmy selected the cream of the crop from all different types of music so what you are getting is not the norm. The music is arranged and played by Dovi Tessler one of the most talented One Man Bands out there today. There is even a all Lubavitcher set of songs that is sure to thrill chassidim everywhere. Not only will the album boast a Disco set and amazing hora set but it will also include two all new compositions. To purchase the album visit
A little about Shimmy:
Shimmy grew up in Munkatz in Boro Park. As a child Shimmy sand in the Munkatz choir every Chanukah and Simchas Beis Hashoeiva. Getting older Shimmy sang by all of his classmates bar mitzvahs and then even a few Sheva Brochos. The older he got the more control and power his voice had. For the last three years Shimmy has been singing by Weddings and simchas all over the world and its finally time for his to release his debut album “Shimu U’tchi – Listen & Live”.
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