Shauli Releases New Single “Kakochavim Ba’Layla”

by yossi | December 20, 2023 7:32 pm

Singer songwriter Shauli is back with another original single. “Kakochavim Ba’Layla”, is a song with lyrics taken from the piyut of “Hamavdil” which we say on Motzei Shabbos. “ I composed this song around 2005 and always enjoyed playing it especially in public since people really took a liking to it. I hope that that the positive message and tefilah in this song, resonates with all that hear it ”.

תנה לנו שבוע טוב רענן כגן רטוב ומה׳ יבא הטוב כל היום וכל הלילה

This song is dedicated to a special friend who is mekadsh Shem Shamayim with his kindness. Thank you for everything! May the brachos in this song be fulfilled in you and your family.

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