by yossi | September 28, 2012 6:22 am
Yumi Rosenbaum and his son Laizer present this FREE download for your enjoyment.
After participating in the 12th Siyum Hashas in Melbourne Australia, as well as the live hookup from Metlife, Yumi was inspired to compose this song and decided to record it together with his son Laizer. It has been released in time for the first Siyum of this Daf Yomi cycle on Chol Hamoed Sukkos 5773. The project spanned 3 continents, recorded in Australia, the USA, and Israel.
Skillfully produced by Moshy Kraus and arranged by Pinny Ostreicher, the end result is uplifting and full of energy. It is hoped that this song will be enjoyed around the world and be sung at many Siyumim for years to come.
Click HERE to download the song FREE.
For more information email: [email protected]
Phone +61 400 640 123
Click PLAY below to hear the song
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