“Mashehu Chadash” The Debut Single From Refael David

by yossi | June 4, 2015 8:30 pm

Refael David was born and grew up in France. He has moved to live a bit in Los Angeles, where he started an international career. But his desire and natural chemistry for making Aliyah and living in Israel persevered over everything and Dovid left everything behind and made Aliyah.
Refael David brought with him “Mashehu Chadash” (something new) to music production, due to his talent as a virtuoso, and his vocal abilities, creates something new and fresh.

Mashehu Chadash is the debut single of Refael Dovid, which was written and composed by Sharon Avilchak with lyrics that touch and speak to each and every person, with an arrangement and production that is upbeat and energetic, due to the talents of Doron Elimelech.

Click PLAY below to hear the song

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Source URL: https://www.thejewishinsights.com/wp/refael-david-mashehu-chadash-debut-single-refael-david/