Just Before Pesach, Singer & Songwriter Moshe Louk Releases A New Single “Podeh Mitzar Aneni.”

by yossi | April 7, 2020 4:21 pm

The story of Yetzias Mitzrayim and the splitting of the Red Sea in a new and original text for a well-known and well-known Arab-The text was written by Manor Ben-David, who took it upon himself to write original texts for well-known and rabic composers with no written words in Hebrew. The poem describes the story of the Yetzias Mitzrayim and the splitting of the Red Sea and the leadership of Moshe and the expectation of salvation, when the text was written according to the rhyming rules of the ancient Morocco – writing that is almost nowhere in the world of poetry.

The authentic musical production and production is signed by Maxim Mishali.

Source URL: https://www.thejewishinsights.com/wp/pesach-singer-songwriter-moshe-louk-releases-single-podeh-mitzar-aneni/