by yossi | February 12, 2010 7:27 am
That’s right people, its THAT time of year. Where people are anxiously checking their mailboxes each and every day to see if their Oorah Shmorg CD has finally arrived. This year I can tell you they are in for a extra surprise. Not only are you going to get the quality CD that people have come to love over the years, but the diversity of the artists on this album will thrill music fans everywhere. You have the seasoned veterans like Avraham Fried, Lipa and Yehuda!. Then you have the “New To Oorah” talent which include; Meydad Tassah, Lev Tahor, 8th Day and Beri Weber. That’s not all, you still have the Oorah audition winner Eli Levin singing a Baruch levine composition. All this and we have yet to discuss the DVD portion of the Shmorg 2, which we will hopefully have more on for you tomorrow. For more and updates of course visit and get ready for the auction of the year!.
Eli Beer – Yachad
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Composed by: Eli Beer
Technical Assistance: JJ Fried
Engineered by: Shloimy Bluth
Recorded at: Bluetone Studios, Brooklyn NY
Photo by: Great Snap by Ruchy
Guitar and Vocals: Eli Beer
Keyboards: Tzvi Rada
Bass: Binyomin Kahan
Drums and Percussion: Utsi Zimring
Avraham Fried – Kinor Shel Dovid
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Composed By: Eli Laufer
Arranged By: Moshe Laufer
Mixing: Ian Freitor
The Playground Recording Studios; NYC, Israel
Meydad Tassah – Kol Dodi
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Composed by: Menachem Basch
Arranged by: Yoeli Dykman
Mixed by: Eli Melamud
Recording Technicians: Gili Telemann, Assaf Rtovic, Srulik Orbach, & Sinai Barnitz.
Recorded at: Studios Songs Bnei Brak.
Produced by : Aviad Gil at Studio Friends
Pianos and synthesizers: Yoeli Dykman
Drums: Asher Paddy
Percussion: Gadi Sri
Bass: Aryeh Berkowitz
Guitars: Avi Singolda
Violins & Strings: The Israel Symphony Orchestra
Trumpets: Oleg Muir
Trombone: Vitali
Saxophone, Clarinet & Flute: Peter Wertheimer.
Choir: Yoeli Dykman- Chinese Embers-Yanki Eckstein
Yehuda! – Torah Mates
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Lead Vocalists: (“Father”) Yehuda!, (“Son”) Max Goldman
Adult Choir: Dovid Gutman, Noam Shapiro, Yehuda!
Boys Choir: Mordechai Blau, Ishai Gahanian, Ariel Lapp, Yoni Lapp, Eli Meyers, Nachshon Schlesinger, Avi Seltzer, Benyamin Seltzer, Rachamim Seltzer, Liam Shamir, Avinoam Sharvit, Raanan Weiss
Song composed by: Pesach Woznica
Lyrics composed by: Sheya Fromowitz & Menachem Basch
Orchestrations, harmonies, and studio recording by: Yehuda!
Material used with permission of Jerusalem All Stars, Inc. from “Generations of Song” (Yehuda! Album #6)
Yehuda Green – Vetaher Libeinu
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Produced by: Aaron Zutler
Composed by: Shlomo Carlebach
Arranged By: Yehuda Green
8th Day – It’s Shabbos Now
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Written and composed by: Shmuel Marcus and Bentzi Marcus
Produced and arranged by: Bentzi Marcus
Drums: Rosy
Banjo, Accordion, Keyboard: Leo Chelyapov
Acoustic and Electric Guitar: Bentzi Marcus
Bass: Steve Farrow
Lead Vocals: Shmuel Marcus
Recorded @ Bonus Room Studios and Studio Dee’s.
Mixed and mastered by: Andy Haller
Lev Tahor – Bris Aisonim
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Composed by: Eli Schwebel
Performed by: Lev Tahor
Lev Tahor is Ari Cukier, Gadi Fuchs and Eli Schwebel
Co-produced by: Ian Freitor and Eli Schwebel at The Playground, Staten Island, NY
Mixed by: Ian Freitor at The Playground, Staten Island, NY
Beri Weber – Meshabchim
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Composed by: Moshe Wertzberger
Arranged and Programming By: Ruli Ezrachi
Recorded at: Spectrasonic Studios, Brooklyn NY
Eli Levin (Oorah Auditions Winner) – Ahavas Olam
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Produced by: SkyLine Music, NYC
Composed by: Baruch Levine
Arranged and Conducted By: Shmuli Rosenberg
Rhythm Recorded at The Jam Room, Howell, N.J. by Arnie Brown
Vocals and Overdubs Recorded at SkyLine Music, NYC by Shmuli Rosenberg
Mixed by: Shmuli Rosenberg at SkyLine Music, NYC
Drums: Benny Koonyevsky
Bass: Conrad Korsch
Guitar: Kevin Kuhn
Saxaphone: David Mann
Piano and Synthesizers: Shmuli Rosenberg
Strings by: Christian Howes Productions with
Christian Howes, Christopher Marion, and Catherine Bent
Lipa Schmeltzer – Kabeid
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Composed by: Lipa Schmeltzer
Music by: Naftali Schnitzler
Mixed by: Ilya Lishinsky
Produced by: Zemer Productions & NMS Productions
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