by yossi | November 10, 2010 3:49 pm

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Gadi Moten — The “Manager’s Manager”

-Ever since he was a young boy growing up in Israel, Gadi knew he was destined for great things. A gifted musical opinion-former with a strong will and an uncanny ability to take credit for all kinds of music talent, Gadi knows what he wants and he knows how to make it happen. Much more than just a manager or arranger to Jewish music singers, Gadi actually manages the managers themselves, making him quite possibly the single most influential individual on the international Jewish music scene… at least in his own mind.

Professor Milo Hummingberg

-Professor Hummingberg is thrilled to be a guest on the Concert Guys radio show promoting his new book: Niggunological Insights: understanding the world impact of Jewish Ethnomusicology. The professor takes his music very seriously, and his study of ethnomusicology has led to a more specified study into the nigggunological undertones and origins of Jewish music. Niggunology promotes the supporting of singers who have influenced the world by getting involved with social causes like joining worthy organizations such as OHEL.

Source URL: https://www.thejewishinsights.com/wp/ohel-concert-5771-promos/