Mishenichnas Adar Marbim B’simcha – Singer Itzik Orlev Releases New Single “El Ha’ohr”

by yossi | February 10, 2013 8:12 am

Just a few months after Israeli singer Itzik Orlev released the album “SINGLES” he is back with an all new song.

With the entry of the month of Adar Itzik Orlev comes back to us with a new single. The style? rhythmic bouncing, and happy which fits perfectly with the atmosphere of Purim, as only Itzik know.

The message of the song Orlev puts it, the only hope of any person, that only by the power of faith is one able to overcome all the Blackouts which are hard to deal us, both on a personal level, and on the general. The connection of every Jew to Hashem at any time, especially during difficult times, giving heart consolation and hope of truth.

The song “El Ha’ohr” gives any Jew is the answer and the solution is also the most difficult situations which pass through it. Faith and only faith, and of course the desire to see the way “into the light”.

The song was composed and lyrics written by Yaakov Menashe who also happens to be responsible for hits like “Or Belibi”, “Boom Boom” and “Bo Tirkod”.

The processing: Solomon Bruner responsible for all the hits.

Click PLAY below to hear the song

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Source URL: https://www.thejewishinsights.com/wp/mishenichnas-adar-marbim-bsimcha-singer-itzik-orlev-releases-single-el-haohr/