“Meirachok” A New Single From Yechiel Lichtiger

by yossi | February 3, 2015 6:12 pm

The prince and the successor to Chassidic music have teamed up to compose and sing, and the other arranges. Singer Yechiel Lichtiger composes and sings while Benny Laufer, Moshe’s son, arranges. The two of them are now releasing a song called Meirachok. The lyrics to this song are taken from Yirmiyahu 31. The song was recorded in Gal Kol Studios and has already become a worldwide hit throughout the world of Yeshivos.

Click PLAY below to hear the song

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Yechiel Lichtiger - Meirochok

Source URL: https://www.thejewishinsights.com/wp/meirachok-single-yechiel-lichtiger/