Meir Bruk – Noseah

by yossi | August 1, 2013 10:09 pm

Meir Bruk, who lives in Israel, used to be a Shliach in Azerbaijan. This is not his first musical project; Meir has already produced a full album in the past gaining him international acclaim. He is now working on a new direction in his musical career, he wants to reach a wide range of societal groups, from Chareidim to Chilonim.

As soon as he returned to Israel from Azerbaijan, he started studying musical and sound production in a school in Tel Aviv, where he learned how to run a studio and to produce music professionally. Bruk then started putting together his own studio to record some of his material as well as the material of other budding artists.

In this, his first single to be released to the media, “Noseah”, Bruk describes his emotional experience of visiting the grave of the Tzaddik of Ukraine. It was a life changing event, where he felt totally cleansed and purified, to the point where he felt like a totally new person.

Bruk wrote, composed, and produced this single, “Noseah”, by himself, as well as recorded it in his home studio. Work is in progress for a full album as well.

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