by yossi | April 16, 2020 9:19 pm
To Our Dear Listeners,
We are living in scary times. The “A Kumzitz In The Rain” series was created to help set the mood to allow the listener to properly feel the emotions of the days of Sefira and 3 weeks, which are the saddest times of the Jewish year. This year is different, as unfortunately all of our lives are turned upside down. We don’t know what tomorrow will bring. There is fear, uncertainty, and anxiety. This year it’s not so hard to feel for these sad times. However, I feel it’s very appropriate to have this album based on the Shalsheles classics, since most of these sweet tunes are based on the words of Dovid Hamelech. Dovid, as we know, had many hardships in his life. But even at the darkest of times, even when most were unable to see any light, Dovid was able to connect himself to Hashem, to seek light and seek comfort. He showed us– his children– that no matter how dark things may look, we can, and need to hold onto Hashem, as he is the ONLY source of salvation! May we all be safe and be zocheh very soon to the ultimate geulah, when we no longer know of pain, the geulah sheleyma bimheyra viyameynu!
Produced by: Doni Gross
Songs Composed by: Yitzchok Rosenthal
Available in the iTunes Store
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