Kol Dodi – Simche Friedman & Elor Velner

by yossi | September 21, 2016 11:19 pm

In honor of Chai Elul, the Alter Rebbe’s birthday, two Chabad musicians have teamed up to present us with a new and moving rendition of a classic Chabad Niggun.
The immensely talented duo, Simche Friedman and Elor Velner, perform Kol Dodi, one of the Alter Rebbe’s ten niggunim.

The words are from Shir HaShirim: “My beloved is knocking: Open for me, my sister, my beloved, my dove”.
The Rebbe Rayatz said: This niggun cleanses the soul . . .
The niggun is presented against the backdrop of a lush field, a visual reminder of the famous Moshol for Elul – The King is in the Field.
Simche sings and is accompanied by Elor.
Watch, listen and be inspired!
Produced by: Shneor Shiff

Source URL: https://www.thejewishinsights.com/wp/kol-dodi-simche-friedman-elor-velner/