by yossi | April 16, 2024 4:04 pm
Dear friends.
On the 26th of Cheshvon 5784,
one of our brave soldiers fighting in Gaza, fell in battle. Yossi Hershkowitz הי״ד.
A few days later I was in Eretz Yisrael and went to visit the family to comfort them as they were still sitting Shiva.
They told me that Yossi was an avid listener to my music and we sang many of the songs he loved as the many people who came to comfort them sang along.
The night before he was taken from us, Golan, a friend of Yossi’s heard him humming a tune. This, my friends is the melody that Yossi composed.
May it bring comfort to his family and may Klal Yisroel be comforted speedily with the coming of Mashiach.
לחן: יוסי הרשקוביץ הי”ד
הפקה מוסיקלית: יובל סטופל
קאנון: אמיר אלייב
מיקס: חיים גוטסמן
גרפיקה: לוי”ק טובול
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