Ido Portal – T’Hei Ha’Sha’ah Hazot

by yossi | September 4, 2015 6:59 am

Last year, during the time of Slichos, Ido Portal released two singles, which became the modern musical interpretation for the piyutim of Slichos, for a project which was since then released called Kamti B’Ashmoret.

Now, in anticipation of Rosh Hoshana and Slichos this year, Ido Portal is releasing another single along the same vein, called T’Hei Ha’Sha’ah Hazot, but based on the lyrics and composition written by Re’ut Levi Rozensweig.

This time, Portal chose to use lyrics that are not straight from the original text, because of the background of the song itself. He said, this is a song about my own personal Teshuva, and the thrust of the lyrics are a prayer for him saying Hashem, show me that you are with me.
There is a very simple music video along with the song.

Click PLAY below to hear the song

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