[Exclusive] Meshorerim- Volume 2: Audio Sampler

by yossi | April 29, 2011 12:03 pm

cover sfira 2011_4

The Meshorerim Choir is back! Finally, after spending endless hours in the studio they are ready to release their latest achievement “Meshorerim, Volume 2″. A carefully chosen collection of thirty five of the latest chasana hits, enhanced with beautiful solos by the choir, several talented child soloists and guest star Yossi Green singing the timeless hit Anovim, this long awaited album from the Meshorerim Choir is destined to become an instant classic. The album will be in stores Sunday and Monday and available online from MRM Music.

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Source URL: https://www.thejewishinsights.com/wp/exclusive-meshorerim-volume-2-audio-sampler/