by yossi | February 2, 2014 8:01 am
Eliran Deri a 20 -year-old yeshiva student, is a young and energetic singer who conquered the hearts of music fans with his previous hit songs; “Abba[1],” “Ata Li Melech[2],” and the duet with singer Shaul Hayon “Koreh Eilecha[3].”
Deri has appeared at various events and simchot over the years, however he has always remained a chazzan in his shul since the tender age of 13.
This new single “Lismoach” was written by Michoel Crispin to the tune composed by Chaim Bar who was responsible for directing the singing and musical advice throughout production. Chaim Bar has composed many songs over the years among the hits he was responsible for was the sonf “Far Hador.”
Arrangements were created by David Bitton who today works with all the top singers such as – Chaim Israel , Itzik Eshel , Avishai Eshel , Eli Luzon, Yuval Tayeb and many more, ensuring incredible processing and unprecedented .
“For this song” says Eliran, “I took the best ones to create the best music.”
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