Doniel With His Debut Single “Refuah Shelema”

by yossi | January 6, 2025 9:53 am

In his debut release titled “Refuah Shelema” (the first of five upcoming releases), Doniel brings an upbeat message of hope, blending a 1960’s/1970’s Rock/Soul sound with a Sephardic flavor. The sound is authentic and organic, using live instrumentation. It’s the new and fresh sound in Jewish Music, inspired by the “oldies.”

Doniel Cavalier is a Los Angeles Rav, educator, and trained Sephardic Chazzan. As a musician he attempts to uplift and inspire hope and joy in his listeners.


Composed & Vocal by: Doniel Cavalier

Produced by: Eli Ruben Hirsch

Executive Producer: Gabe Saporta

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