Daughter of Rabbi Aharon Dov Gestetner Wrote A Poem On The Occasion of Her Marriage – Yoeli Klein & Nati Fuchs “Vee Azoy Kmen Ziv Halten”

by yossi | December 3, 2015 8:47 am

On Erev Yom Kippur this year there was a terrible tragedy in the Gestetner family. The father of the family, passed away a little while before Kol Nidrei started. There was a terrible sadness in the Viznitz Chassidus. He has 11 children, including one engaged son and an engaged daughter. In honor of the wedding of the daughter, Yoeli Klein and Nati Fuchs performed the Kallah’s words in a beautiful song called Vee Azoy Kmen Ziv Halten.

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Source URL: https://www.thejewishinsights.com/wp/daughter-rabbi-aharon-dov-gestetner-wrote-poem-occasion-marriage-yoeli-klein-nati-fuchs-vee-azoy-kmen-ziv-halten/