by yossi | April 17, 2012 9:37 am
It seems that Sefira will be shorter this year than ever, with the release of “vocal treasure/haotzer vocali” from Lchaim.
This special production was just release as a continuation of a series of treasures from ‘LChaim’. The Special Edition includes all of the vocal/acapella albums that were released over the years from “Lchaim” by Rabbi Yosef Moshe Kahane. Included are the four best-selling albums “Chassideshe Oitzres”, “Shabbosdige Oitzros”, “Shira Live”, “Chazak”, “Shehashalom Shelo” and “Tivneh Choimois.
Each of these albums are tastefully prepared by the “Lchaim” family and performers like Binyomin Hartman, Herschel Brisk, Dudi Kalish, Chaim Hartman and others, and are permitted to listen to during sefira or the 3 weeks according to Halacha.
Click PLAY below to hear the sampler
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