[Coming Thursday] Rebbee Hill: Berel & The Mashke Barrel

by yossi | November 21, 2012 9:03 am

Coming this Thursday! An all new Rebbee Hill adventure “Berel & The Mashke Barrel“.
After Moshke, the Mashkeh Maker‘s untimely death, his young son Berel was beside himself with grief and despair. The family’s only source of income had been Moshke’s famous Mashkeh, but alas – the secret recipe followed Moshke to the next world. With bills piling up and the ever looming threat of imprisonment in the Poritz’s dreaded dungeon, Berel turns to his beloved Rebbe, The Heiliger Shnipitchitcher. In his desperation, Berel imagines all kinds of entertaining scenarios of how Hashem will help him. The wise Rebbe gently reassures him that Hashem’s ways are hidden, and through complete trust in the Aibishter, Berel will be saved.

In stores this Thursday and available online on JewishJukebox.com

Source URL: https://www.thejewishinsights.com/wp/coming-thursday-rebbee-hill-berel-mashke-barrel/