What’s Coming Up From MostlyMusic.com!

by yossi | August 9, 2012 11:19 am

Mostly Music presents a one on one with Benny Friedman, Shauly Waldner, the Puppets of Mitzvah Boulevard, and Naftali Schnitzler discussing their new upcoming releases.

Naftali is speaking as producer of the new Yoel Weiss CD. Benny discusses his all new album, in the final stages. Shauly Waldner gives us some insight into how his album, Tov Hashem, came to be. Finally, those adorable silly puppets from Mitzvah Boulevard take a break from DVD making to talk about their all new follow up to the breakout first volume.

All these upcoming releases will be available soon, some sooner, some later, but stay tuned to MostlyMusic.com for more!

Video filmed and produced by Ingenious Productions, Moshe Bree with additional direction by Sruly Meyer, Designs By Sruly.

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JEWISHVIDEOS.COM LINK: http://www.jewishvideos.com/lecha-anu-video-15334.html

Source URL: https://www.thejewishinsights.com/wp/coming-mostlymusiccom/