Chabad of Elad presents Lag Baomer March with performance by Yosef Chaim Shwekey

by yossi | May 17, 2011 9:49 am

Chabad of Elad presents a March for fathers and sons in honor of Lag Baomer.
The event will meet on Sunday, May 22, 20011, at 34 Rechov Yonason Ben Uziel at 4:30 pm. From there they will walk towards Mercaz Rimon on Rechov Shimon Ben Shatach. From there they will turn towards the Amphitheater, where there will be a great gathering with Rabbanim and community leaders.
Yosef Chaim Shwekey will perform at that event.
There will also be rides for young children for a small fee and raffles.

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