Avraham Fried with a new song “Hu Yivneh Bayis”

by yossi | September 21, 2010 8:48 am

Well Sukkot is almost here and the Menagdim Orchestra & Avraham Fried have just released a brand new song. The song Hu Yivneh Bayis a song by Moishy Roth. The song is dedicated to Dotzi Gottstein whose wife and child were lost in a  horrific train crash three months ago.
The new album will be distributed tomorrow along with the weekly ‘Bakhila Magazine’ in Israel. Apart from the title song with Avraham Fried, there will be five additional tracks from the album “Kumzing” which was released on CD/DVD last year. Including songs from Lipa Schmeltzer, David Gabay and Udi Davidi, Plus a additional video of fascinating behind the scenes footage of “Kumzing”.

Click PLAY below to hear the new song “Hu Yivneh Bayis”

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[HT: Chasidinews]

Source URL: https://www.thejewishinsights.com/wp/avraham-fried-song-hu-yivneh-bayis/