Aaron Razel with NEW song for Purim “Mishenichnas Adar”

by yossi | March 17, 2011 7:49 am

Aaron Razel - Mishenechnas Adar 2011

Each and every year Aaron Razel sends all his friends a special song for Purim, for FREE.

Although earlier this year he released a slower song (Ochel Leshager Gam Oto), for Purim he re-produced a song he created 10 years ago.

Aaron tells, “The song is just a new and updated version the song “Mishenichnas Adar” which I first recorded ten years ago”. Here I re did the arrangements to make it a little more fast and danceable, I recorded both versiona at my father’s studio the Tal Jerusalem Studios.

Besuros Tovos Yeshouos Venechamos

Harbeh Simcha

Aaron Razel

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Source URL: https://www.thejewishinsights.com/wp/aaron-razel-song-purim-mishenichnas-adar/