A Gantz Yohr Freilach… Orchestra

by yossi | March 3, 2009 10:21 am

Avrumi Shreiber and Mendy Hershkowitz were faced with a problem. While the all important “word of mouth” about their band Freilach Orchestra is always to say the least complimentary, their “One Band A Night/Every Night” philosophy meant that they weren’t getting as much word of mouth as they’d like.

Rather than start booking multiple events –and lose the amazing quality that can only come from a “tight” group of musicians that know each other, they took a decidedly more revolutionary route; distribution tens of thousands of demo CDs (aka. A Gantz Yoh Freilach) in conjunction with Hamodia—the best way to get your product in the hands—and ears of the Jewish market. The album also features back up vocals by the world famous "Shira Choir".

Is there a downside? Definitely. After all you’re not just getting the attention you’re a lso getting scrutiny—by a market known for being well, critical (on a good day)

Point? Well if a band is making the investment of resources (as in time and money) in the project, they have to be both very good AND very sure about it.

Which they are.

But why take our word for it? Listen to the attached preview sample then pick up this week’s Hamodia for the full version demo cd (and the kind of intelligent journalism that’s made them the best place to reach people who’d appreciate a polished product like the Freilch demo) and get ready to experience a truly “Freilichen Adar”

Freilich style.

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to hear a sample of the cd please click play

For more on the Freilach  Orchestra please visit freilachorchestra.com or call 866-295-5500

Source URL: https://www.thejewishinsights.com/wp/a-gantz-yoh-freilach-orchestra/