Meydad Tasa sings from his “Neshama”

by yossi | September 20, 2012 7:58 am

Everyone’s favorite singer Meydad Tasa is back with an all NEW single entitled “Neshama“. The song lyrics were taken from the writings of Kabbalist Rabbi Yaakov Ades According to Kabbalah. The essence of the song deals with the human soul comprised of five sections nefesh / ruach / neshama / chaya / yechida. The single was composed by Sharon Avilachak and for the first time in his musical career Meydad arranged and produced the song in a collaboration alongside with his manager Aviad Gil! Tasa performed the single spontaneously during his last few concerts, and the audience responded warmly and were anxiously awaiting the single to official be released which was a good indication that it was a hit! “Neshama”, is a ballad full of spirituality, emotion and soul, leaving a good time on the answer. “Neshama”, Meydad’s first single for the upcoming album from the new studio U’shmini. The release of this new single comes on the heels of Tasa’s smash album “Ata Hamelech” which was released six moths ago and included the hit songs; Oy Na Lanu, Kol Ma Sheani, Bachatuna, Melech Malchei Hamelachim and more.

Click PLAY below to hear the song

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אלוקי נתת בי נפש רוח נשמה חיה יחידה
נפשי הומיה בכל עוז אליך לדבקה בה
רוחי צמאה בכל עוז אליך לדבקה בה
נשמתי כלתה בכל עוז אליך לדבקה בה
חייתי נכספת בכל עוז אליך לדבקה בה
יחידתי קשורה בכל עוז אליך לדבקה בה

אלוקי אליך אשפכה נפשי
רוחי נשמתי חייתי יחידתי
זכני נא שלא להפרד ממך
לעד ולעולמי עולמים

וחיכיתי לה’ המסתיר פניו
מבית יעקב וקיוויתי לו
הורני ה’ דרכך אהלך באמיתך
יחד לבבי ליראה שמך

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